Monday, July 5, 2010

The summer is flying by. We had a great vacation touring the Creation Museum in Petersburg, KY. You must go there if you haven't already. Then onto the Smokey Mountains. Beautiful!!! We loved our stay in the Smokey Mountains. There were majestic mountains that looked like they were smokey, babbling brooks, waterfalls and a beautiful display of fireflies each night like none we've ever seen before. It was wonderful to experience God's creation and then reflect on the thought that if the creation is so beautiful and magnificient how much more is the Creator, our Creator!!

The kids did well traveling in the van for 5 hour stretches. We sang Bingo, 1,2 buckle my shoe and other songs to entertain Natti but he slept quite a bit too. The others were glued to Kassy's portable DVD watching The Lord of the Rings. Traveling home we stopped in Nashville for a break, It was very hot and we were all a bit cranky. Kevin thought it would be good to walk around the mall in front of the capital building in Nashville. It began to sprinkle and within a few minutes broke out into a downpour. Kassy and Aaron immediately began "singin' in the rain" (I love that movie) Beza wasn't quite so sure but succumbed and took a shower too. Kevin, Natti and I hovered under a tree till Kevin ran for the van. We all had a good laugh and the crankiness faded away. It was memorable, much-needed break away.

Since we returned the days have been filled with swimming, playing, friends and a little bit of school when we can fit it in. I was hoping to do an Astronomy unit with the kids but we are not getting very far. Although, we had a phenomenal introduction at the planetarium at the Creation Museum.

We continue to grow closer to one another and love each other more each day by God's grace.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

One Year Ago..

Spring!!!!! Spring is coming! We are so excited. Wow, as I always say, time flies by so quickly. Beza and Natti have been home for a year now since this past February. They have adjusted so well. It brings back so many memories of when they first came home. It was so weird at first, many times I would think to myself "Who are these kids wandering around in my house?" It was such a strange feeling, hard to express, but now I find myself looking at them and praise God that they are part of our family. Sometimes its hard having two extra children to care for but more so they are a great joy to all of us.

Monday, January 25, 2010

First Christmas Together

We all had a great first Christmas together.