Friday, August 14, 2009

The kids had so much fun at Millenium Park the other day.


  1. Hi Kevin, Sue, and Family! I was surprised to see that you were following my blog and even more surprised that you had started blogging yourself!! I really enjoy it and have learned so much about Down syndrome from all my bloggy friends.

    Your family is beautiful. God never ceases to amaze me in the way that He brings families together. I praise Him that He knows exactly what we need even when we don't! I always tell people that I never knew I wanted a child with Ds until God gave me one!

    Mark and I were just discussing you this morning on the way in to church. I will send a private e-mail with a question/favor we have for you :)

  2. Sue,
    what a perfect way to spend the afternoon after court! The kids are so cute.
